Sunday, February 26, 2006

Snooker Table

Whenever I have a bad day at the snooker table , I am left wondering that "life is a bunch of balls rolling in all the wrong directions" . sounds very true under the given situation . It happens to us even in life . we are afced with so many situations , some planned for some uncalled for . But then deep down whatever situation we end up in is due to our doing or undoing . Lemme take the snooker thing for example . Once the game starts going bad , i start blaming the board , balls , cue sticks and also my friends who are playing a better game . I also end up making statements like "this is not my day" and so on . But then when Iam in a retrospective mood I realise that it was I who was controlling the movement of the ball . Now had i done things it would have all been right . This happens to all of us very often . Deep down if wee do our share of things right , everything else will fall into place . Maybe we can use little incidents like this as lessons in the bigger game called life ....

Give it a thought ...

take care ... have fun .... share love .... live life ....



The Mirror

Life is one of those funny , surprising , interesting little things that is thrown at us.

We are born . We enter the world crying , but the people around us are happy , happy about the fact that the family has a new addition .

Now life moves on and we grow with time . We reciprocate the feelings of the poeple around us . Their joys , sorrows , successes , failiures , literally everything associated with them affects us , affects our life . It is the same with us . Our joys , sorrows , successes , failiures , literally everything associated with us affects them , affects their life . As we move on in life , it acts as a mirror . It gives back what we give it . It continues this way till the end .

Then it happens . The end finally arrives . We die peacefully . We die smiling , but the people around us are on the opposite end of their feelings . They are all tears , sad at the fact the we've departed . . .

The saga continues through the ages . That's what life is all about . We are different fro the people around us only at the beginning and at the end . But all through life we reciprocate them and they reciprocate us . Life thus acts as a mirror all along its course .

So remember , give it your best shot , life will give you its best ! ! !

The Moment of Truth

I remember that moment when Kapil Dev pulled off a spectacular one out of the blue to see the end of Vivian Richards , that summer evening in 1983 . It fulfilled the dreams of an entire nation which were pinned on those shoulders and elevated the people of that proud nation to the status of world champions . In the same way , I remember that night in June 2002 when David Beckham took that crucial penalty against Argentina in the FIFA World Cup in Japan . That not only pushed England to the next stage but erased the black mark that Beckham carried for 4 years since 1998 against the same rivals . On October 12th 2003 another piece of record was rewritten in motorsport history when Formula 1 ace Michael Schumacher won his record 6th world title and gave ferrari a record consecutive 5th title .

Now these were three different occasions and entirely different areas of achievements . Apart from the fact that they were sportsmen the one thing common to all of them being , this was the moment of truth for each one of them . Before they could even realise that they were worldbeaters , the moment had arrived and gone . Now in that crucial split second they achieved the imposssible , or at least what was thought to be impossible .

Now iamgine this : Kapil Dev drops Richards , Beckham misses the penalty , Ferrari crashes both cars ...

Had this been the result , those moments themselves let alone their greatness would have long been forgotten as another shot in the dark or perhaps remembered for all the wrong reasons . This difference in the results also changes the way we percieve things and ultimately brings us to the importance of that split second which I call " the moment of truth " . I find an astonishing similarity between them and us . In the same way each one of us faces a moment of truth in our lives more than once . I don't believe in the saying that opportunity knocks only once , anymore because every time I do what my job is, i see in it, a moment of truth, an opportunity to do the unthinkable.

They say " Some are born great , some achieve greatness , but some have greatness thrust upon them " . We belong to the third category , let us recieve greatness that is thrust upon us with open hands!