Sunday, February 26, 2006

The Mirror

Life is one of those funny , surprising , interesting little things that is thrown at us.

We are born . We enter the world crying , but the people around us are happy , happy about the fact that the family has a new addition .

Now life moves on and we grow with time . We reciprocate the feelings of the poeple around us . Their joys , sorrows , successes , failiures , literally everything associated with them affects us , affects our life . It is the same with us . Our joys , sorrows , successes , failiures , literally everything associated with us affects them , affects their life . As we move on in life , it acts as a mirror . It gives back what we give it . It continues this way till the end .

Then it happens . The end finally arrives . We die peacefully . We die smiling , but the people around us are on the opposite end of their feelings . They are all tears , sad at the fact the we've departed . . .

The saga continues through the ages . That's what life is all about . We are different fro the people around us only at the beginning and at the end . But all through life we reciprocate them and they reciprocate us . Life thus acts as a mirror all along its course .

So remember , give it your best shot , life will give you its best ! ! !


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